My Lenovo thinkpad T440s has the next product number:

$ cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name

So all the procedures show here are valid for this product

Fist and if you don’t install thinkfan, lm_sensors and hdapsd before:

$ sudo dnf install thinkfan hdapsd lm_sensors
$ sudo sensors-detect
$ sudo sh -c "find /sys/devices -type f -name 'temp*_input' | xargs -I {} echo "hwmon {}" >> /etc/thinkfan.conf"
$ sudo systemctl enable thinkfan

The next step is install tlp and prepare other tools for manage kernel modules:

sudo dnf install tlp tlp-rdw kernel-devel akmods kmodtool

We need to enable external repositories:

$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
$ sudo dnf install

Now this is the last part of the installation, but read carefully this warning:

The next instructions are no recommended, we use the --nogpgcheck , so we not only use a external repository, we don’t check the sing the packages.

If you are comfortable with this just:

sudo dnf install akmod-tp_smapi akmod-acpi_call --enablerepo tlp-updates-testing --nogpgcheck

The --enablerepo tlp-updates-testing is necessary for fedora 25+ versions.

Now you can have a very well use and administration of your batteries 🙂

Many thanks to linrunner and the TLP project.