Hi Everybody!!

As Linux users we have a native virtualization solution -like MS windows have hiper-v-  KVM.

KVM (kernel based virtualization) is a kernel module takes advantage of the x86 processors virtualization extensions like Intel VT-x and  AMD-V, so let’s go:


  • a 64-bit x86 machine with hardware virtualization assistance (Intel VT-X or AMD-V).
  • 4GB RAM (8 GB or more if you want to run more than 2 virtual machines at same time)
  • One ISO file of your favorite OS.

Step Zero:

Enable Intel VT-x or AMD-V Virtualization in BIOS/UEFI, this depends of your hardware but to enable the extensions, you might have to go into the system’s BIOS/UEFI setup configuration at boot time.

Step One:

Install KVM and virtualization tools:

$ sudo dnf install @virtualization virt-install virt-viewer libvirt-daemon-config-network

$ sudo systemctl enable libvirtd

$ sudo systemctl start libvirtd

Check that libvirtd is running:

$ sudo systemctl status libvirtd 

this will be up and running.

Optional but recommend step:

Add your normal user to libvirtd group, please change YOURUSER for your username

$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt YOURUSER

Step Two:

Create and configure virtual machine:

For this we have two options: Command line and GUI, in order to show both examples i will create two separate virtual machines: Fedora Server 24 (Command line) and Ubuntu Server16.04.

Command Line:

To setup a virtual machine named FedoraServer24 with 2GB ram, 2 VCPUS, 20GB in hard disk in format qcow2 (Compatible with OpenStack)

$ cp Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-24-1.2.iso /tmp/
$ sudo virt-install --name FedoraServer24 --ram 2048 --vcpus 2 --disk size=20,format=qcow2 --cdrom /tmp/Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-24-1.2.iso --virt-type kvm --os-variant fedora-unknown --graphics spice

You can list the supported os variants with:

$ osinfo-query os

or simply use ‘auto’ keyword for auto detection.

At this moment you will continue the normal installation of Fedora Server

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virt-manager GUI

Is too easy, open virtual machine manager,it looks like:

Screenshot from 2016-07-12 16-42-15Screenshot from 2016-07-12 16-47-07Screenshot from 2016-07-12 17-03-07Screenshot from 2016-07-12 17-04-07

After :

  1. click on “Create new virtual machine”
  2. install local media (ISO image or cdrom)
  3. Select iso image and Browse it (Ubuntu server 16.04 in this time)
  4. Setup RAM, virtual Hard disk , vcpus and Name of the Virtual Machine.

At this moment you will continue the normal installation of Ubuntu Server.

Step Three:

Connect and working with the virtual machines:

Command line:

List virtual machines:

$ sudo sudo virsh list --all

Start, pause, shutdown virtual machines

$ virsh --connect qemu:///system start FedoraServer24

$ virsh --connect qemu:///system suspend FedoraServer24

$ virsh --connect qemu:///system shutdown FedoraServer24

View and work in the virtual machine

$ virt-viewer --connect qemu:///system  FedoraServer24

virt-manager GUI

The available virtual machines are listed on the gui, to run or stop, right click over the desired virtual machine. for work in any particular virtual machine click open.

Step Four:

KVM/libvirt Networking: The default network configuration is for the VM to share the host system’s network connection(s) and IP address using network address translation (NAT). This is the easiest to manage and will be fine for many uses. Using NAT, the VM will be able to access resources on your network or the Internet. However services, such as a web server, running inside the VM won’t be directly accessible from outside of the VM.

For default all virtual machines are in the same LAN and it can communicate each other one another:

Screenshot from 2016-07-12 18-11-41

Networking, both physical and virtual, is a large topic beyond the scope of this post. For more information see your system’s documentation.

Gnome Boxes

Boxes is a GNOME application (It comes by default since Fedora 23) that is used to create, manage, and run virtual machines. One amazing feature is it can easily import and run KVM virtual machines.

for this:

  1. Open Boxes
  2. Click on New
  3. Click on “Import Boxes from system broker”
  4. And finally, Click on “Create”

Screenshot from 2016-07-12 18-28-26Screenshot from 2016-07-12 18-32-11

And now you can run the same virtual machines from Gnome Boxes.



Hello everybody,

I usually use docker or systemd-nspawn for do container stuff, both are so good, but this time we will use systemd-nspawn because it can generate a x86 environment on x86_64 architectures. This feature is important to run some programs packet on dot deb format and/or  are available only in  x86 architecture.

Now install and setup systemd- nspawn, we will create a Debian GNU/Linux based container:

$ sudo dnf -y install systemd-container debootstrap
$ mkdir debian
$ sudo debootstrap --arch=i386 testing ./debian

Some time later… configure debian container root password,

$ sudo systemd-nspawn --directory=./debian passwd

<username> will be replaced with the user name as you wish

$ sudo systemd-nspawn --directory=./debian useradd <username>
$ sudo systemd-nspawn -D ./debian apt-get update
$ sudo systemd-nspawn -D ./debian apt-get install default-jre ssh iceweasel

Booting container,logging as root and install iceweasel. Note: you need to replace ~/Downloads with the directory path where you downloaded your “program of interest”.

$ sudo systemd-nspawn -bD ./debian --bind ~/Downloads:/mnt:rbind 

Now we are inside the ontainer:

test@debian~$ export DISPLAY=:0 && iceweasel

Screenshot from 2016-07-10 10-30-03
To exit use shutdown the container as a normal debian system or kill holding Ctrl and rapidly press ] three times

As Cultural breviary, iceweasel is now firefox again, see the old notice here.

Right now I’m working in the first edition of my podcast ”El Andariego” about a wide range of topics like GNU/Linux, DevOps, Linux User Group of UAM-AZC, VoIP, Big Data, etc.

This idea is possible by the following software:

  • Fedora 24
  • Audacity 2.1.2
  • LibreOffice (scripts)

Screenshot from 2016-07-07 11-20-00


  • Lenovo ThinkPad T440s
  • Mico Desktop microphone (from China)
  • Marshall Headphones Model: Major (Also from China)



  • coffee (from “la tamalera” of the street corner)
  • Pockys (from Thailand)
  • Me (From México)

Hello everybody,

The cisco packettracer 6.3 is available for GNU/Linux under the next requirements:

  • x86 libraries.
  • nss and ssl libraries.
  • QT4 script-tools, WebKit  and QT3 backward support.
  • (Optional ) Cisco NetSpace account.

We need install x86 libraries (32 bits) if our system is x86_64 (64bits) as follows:

$ sudo dnf install zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 gtk2.i686 glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 \\
 libstdc++.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrender.i686 libXrandr.i686 libusb.i686 libXtst.i686 nss.i686 \\
 qt.i686 qtwebkit.i686
$ wget  http://www.deltaeridani.com/openssl-lib-compat-1.0.0i-1.fc24.i686.rpm
$ sudo rpm -Uvh openssl-lib-compat-1.0.0i-1.fc24.i686.rpm

Cisco Packet Tracer 6.3 will be downloaded from Cisco Networking Academy Portal or in another places on internet, only ask to google for “PacketTracer63_linux.tar.gz”,

$ tar -xzf PacketTracer63_linux.tar.gz && cd PacketTracer63
$ chmod +x install
$ sudo ./install

After accept the EULA, the installation begins, we need set the environment variables with the next command:

$ sudo /opt/pt/set_ptenv.sh

At this point packettracer is ready to use but another useful thing to do is create a desktop Cisco Packet Tracer icon to launch it, first download the icon:

$ wget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/dc/Cisco_Packet_Tracer_Icon.png
$ sudo mv Cisco_Packet_Tracer_Icon.png /usr/share/icons/

With our favorite plain text editor we will create the file /usr/share/applications/packettracer.desktop as follows:

[Desktop Entry]
Name= PacketTracer 6.3
Comment=Networking Cisco
GenericName=Cisco PacketTracer 6

Now we will run Cisco Packet Tracer 6.3 from our Desktop:

Screenshot from 2016-07-07 10-15-24Screenshot from 2016-07-07 10-21-57