Telegram is a very amazing messaging application focus in speed and security, Many active contributors in the Fedora project use it for the daily work and fun. basically this motivate me for use it:
Telegram has several features like the next:
- Free (of charge, no ads)
- Secure (side-to-side and storage encryption)
- Open source
- Have a clear API
- It is multiplatform
- Timer for message destruction (very good for dirty chats ( : )
- and more, please check the official page for more info.
For install it in fedora we have at least three client options:
Official desktop client:
This client is not in the Fedora repos but exists the CORP from Rommon, so we need enable it and install the client:
$ sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram $ sudo dnf install telegram-desktop
Know Issue: The first time telegram is executed it will generate (at least in KDE) a second desktop entry. It can be delete with the menu manager, make sure you delete the right one.
Just like its name says, it is cute 😛
$ sudo dnf install cutegram
CLI Client:
For hardcore, cli geeks
$ sudo dnf install telegram-cli