Reading the always awesome Fedora Magazine, I discovered the Hack Font, just take a look:
this beautiful font is not ready in the fedora official repos but we can install it using the corp repo (Thanks a lot Heliocastro),
We can add the repo and install with dnf as follows:
$ sudo dnf copr enable heliocastro/hack-fonts $ sudo dnf install hack-fonts
Or simply add the repo and install:
# cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/hack-fonts.repo [heliocastro-hack-fonts] name=Copr repo for hack-fonts owned by heliocastro baseurl=$releasever-$basearch/ type=rpm-md skip_if_unavailable=True gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= repo_gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 enabled_metadata=1 (Now CTRL+D) # dnf install hack-fonts
Configure your favorite terminal emulator to use it and enjoy:
Cheers 🙂